The General Election in Scotland: A Primer
Some things to look out for and some other things to bear in mind
Thank you for subscribing to The Debatable Land and special thanks to those of you who have arrived just in time for the general election campaign. I’m very grateful to those of you who have shared posts by email or on social media and helped spread the word. Special thanks, as ever, are due to those of you who have upgraded to a paid subscription. After tax, your subscriptions are put into my pension fund so you are doing your bit to support old-age-me have a pair of decent shoes, some money for heating, and - with luck - a bottle of decent claret to enjoy on feast days. Many thanks.
So, onwards. Here are some of the things to keep an eye upon in Scotland this time round the general election fences.
What happened in 2019?
Well, Scotland voted like this:
Vote share - and the number of votes cast - looked like this: